Fast Start
Sending Army
Create simple attack, help task -
Create farm attack with many target villages -
Coordinated many attacks with nobleman in one "out" second -
Coordinated attack from many source villages to many other target villages in one "in" second on other villages. -
Barbarian to Player option. -
Send fakes. -
Other Send army task (SAT) options -
Dodge backtime attacks - backtime escape.
Recruit Army
Intelligent farmer
Interactive MAP
Attack detection system
Essential info about bot (tutorial not ready yet) -
Time between attacks (IMPORTANT) -
Internal Web Browser tips -
Running bot on many worlds (tutorial not ready yet) -
Loading custom user scripts to Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot -
Referential system description -
Bot reporting system -
Game reports reading function -
Time synchronization system (IMPORTANT) -
Mailing system
Chapter 1