Activating KeyCard aka "Activating License"

Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot Activating KeyCard aka Activating License 1. When you have KeyCard goto Management group (1) and put KeyCard into specified field.

2. Click "Activate Key" button (2).

3. After that popup should apear. Click OK and wait until days from the KeyCard will be added to your account (3) IMPORTANT When you have for eg. 10 or 45 days on your bot account you can always add days from unused KeyCards. Those days will be simply added to your account eg. I have 45 days of botting, and i'll activate 30 days KeyCard. After activation i will have 45+30 = 75 days of botting.

4. If you had 0 days before activation, you can see that "Start" button (4) is active now.

5. If in rectangle number (3) you get message "Wrong HID", set your HID by using "Set HID" button. Then log in again. "Set HID"(Hardware ID) means that only on that computer you can use this bot account.

6. Congratulations! You can start pwning in TribalWars, but at first, check this (TUTORIAL) which shows you where to begin :)