1. Go to "Building", then "Main" tab (1).
2. Add groups by putting each group name in (2) textbox, and click "Add" button (3).
3. You can remove group if you want to, by using "Remove" button (4).
4. When you select specified group in (5) drop down list box, list box with cities (6) will only show villages from selected group. List boxes with cities are also in Sending Army, Recruit Army, Sending Resource. These list boxes will only show villages from selected group too.
5. Now we want to put villages into specified groups. Click "Set Groups" button (7). Form should appear.
6. Select villages which you want to be assigned to specified group, by click and dragging mouse over rectangle number (1).
7. Click drop down list box and select group (2). This group will be applied to selected villages (3).
8. Click X button (4) to close the form. Your villages are assigned to specified groups now. You can select groups to filter cities on drop down list boxes.