1. Click "Settings" Button (1) and make sure that "User Scripts" tab (2) is selected.
2. Click mouse right button. Menu should appear (3). You can set script as "Active" or not, which means that this script will not be loaded to WWW tabs in bot. There are options for Add, Modify or Remove scripts. Click "Add" script. Form with script detail should appear.
3. Fill required fileds like Name, Active and Content (1). This script simply show popup message when page will be loaded. On the previous screen you can see 2 scripts for tribal wars map. You can resize your map and minimap (resizing map is a feature on premium account - here you have it for free :) ) Click "OK" button to save script (2).
4. Click "Show Helpers" button (1). There you can disable loading all user scripts by selecting "Disable loading user scripts" option (2). "Active" property on script enable or disable loading that particular script, while "Disable loading user scripts" option disable all of them.
5. There is prompt from script, which i wrote in this tutorial (3). You can write scripts by yourself or find working scripts on the internet and use them as well. User scripts are saved in settings.dat file.